Cape Naturaliste Conservation Enterprise

A collaborative community project

Initiated by Friends of Meelup Inc.

Initial funding: 3 Year WA State Government NRM Grant 2024-2027

Powered by people with passion in collaboration with the Wadandi (Salt Water) people, the traditional custodians of the area on whose land we are living.

We pay respect to Elders past and present.


Funding is available for landholders for on-ground work, with subsidies available for weed and feral animal control, revegetation and fencing of creeklines and bushland. For more information, or to register your interest, visit:


Our vision is to reconnect and restore the fragmented landscape of the Cape Naturaliste area so local flora and fauna can thrive alongside a vibrant and sustainable economy.

The Cape Naturaliste area (the Cape) is an internationally recognised biodiversity hotspot in the Southwest of Western Australia. Bound by a spectacular coastline, it contains important Natural Reserves, Meelup Regional Park, Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park, and smaller local government reserves. It contains many endemic and threatened flora and fauna and Wadandi heritage sites.

Threats to the area are many. Meelup Regional Park and Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park have long, porous boundaries with invasive weeds, feral animals and plant pathogens such as Phytophthora cinnamomi  (dieback).

In addition, population pressure and increasing tourism and the threat of fire impact the biodiversity, waterways, coastal health and cultural values of the area.

To protect them for generations to come, a holistic approach is necessary.


This project was driven by the Friends of Meelup Inc.  and the Meelup Regional Park Management Committee, to address increasing threats to the biodiversity, cultural and economic values in the Cape. 

Increasing population pressure, including residents and tourism along with weed invasion, feral animals and plant pathogens threaten the biodiversity and ecosystem health of the Cape.

The project will span a discrete peninsula-like area north of Caves Road between Yallingup and Dunsborough, referred to as the Cape Naturaliste area. The project area includes Meelup Regional Park, Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park, local government reserves, agricultural land and residential areas. Over 50% of the project area is privately owned, hence the need for wide consultation and support. 

Friends of Meelup Inc. has contracted Nature Conservation Margaret River Region (NCMRR), a very experienced local organization, to deliver the project and a Project Coordinator has been appointed. The project will collaborate with local Wadandi custodians, landowners and stakeholders and other established groups to build on and enhance the effectiveness of current management. Local Wadandi rangers will be employed to complete on-ground work in sensitive sites. Cultural burning practices will be encouraged.


- Improved habitat for native fauna and flora to thrive;

- A more resilient environment in the face of a changing climate and population growth; 

- An efficient and effective use of resources to manage the area;

- A culture of respect and protection of the natural environment;

 - An enhanced identity for the Cape Naturaliste area.

These outcomes will be achieved through concerted and coordinated weed control, feral animal control and waterway and coastal restoration. The project will involve local residents, farmers, businesses, visitors and local Aboriginal custodians.

A collaborative management group with representatives from stakeholder groups will meet regularly. A working group will meet monthly and guide the Project Coordinator.

The WA Government State NRM Program has granted initial funding to appoint a Project Coordinator from 2024 - 2027. The Assessment Panel said of the Project:

“The Panel considered that this well-justified project builds on existing strategies and planning. There is good engagement with stakeholders across different but related fields, and decent co-contributions with funding commitments evidenced from a number of sources. The methodology has a sound collaborative approach with the first year being the management planning for prioritisation. The Panel recognised that the Applicant has demonstrated knowledge of what the gaps are and this project provides a plan on how to go about closing them. Activities are reasonable and well explained. Value and need have been established.”

Cultural Significance

There is significant First Nations heritage in the Cape Naturaliste Area

Partnering with traditional custodians is an essential component of this project. On- ground works in heritage listed or culturally sensitive areas will be completed by Wadandi rangers or alongside custodians.

The Undalup Association and Karri Karrak Aboriginal Corporation have given their support to this project.

Meelup Regional Park has a Healthy Country Plan which will be used to guide actions in this area. An extract from the plan is found below. 

Evidence of human occupation in this area extends for thousands of years before present, millennia of generations. The area is an ancestral place with numerous and fragile archaeological sites and features across the coastal forest, granite, dunes, creek lines, and wetlands.

The area contains important cultural ecological values, related to a variety of coastal granite and wetland habitats that host significant cultural plants and animals, forming part of the heritage and identity of Wadandi Custodians.



Flora and Fauna

The area contains thirty-five threatened flora species and communities including:

6 Threatened Ecological Communities (TECS), 4 Priority Ecological Communities (PECS), 6 Critically Endangered (En),

1 Vulnerable (VU) and 1 Priority (P) Species


Known Threatened Ecological Communities ( TECs):

  • Tufa ( EN)
  • Calothamnus graniticus heaths on SW coastal granites ( VU)
  • Dense shrublands on clay flats ( VU)
  • Marri Jarrah woodlands on sandy clay soils of southern SCP ( VU)
  • Banksia dominated woodlands ( EN at federal level)
  • Melaleuca lanceolata forests ( P 2 )
  • 4 other Priority Ecological Communities ( PECs) ( all P 1 )

Listed flora:

  • Wurmbea calcicole ( VU)
  • Eucalyptus x phylacis ( CR)
  • Caladenia viridescens ( CR)
  • Caladenia huegelii ( CR)
  • Caladenia excelsa ( CR)
  • Caladenia caesarea subsp. maritima ( CR)
  • Caladenia busselliana ( CR)
  • E. rudis subsp cratyantha ( P 4 )
  • E. marginata x megacarpa ( P 4 )
  • Cyanothamnus tenuis ( P 4 )
  • Calothamnus  graniticus subsp. graniticus ( P 4 )
  • Banksia sessilis var. cordata ( P 4 )
  • Boronia tenuis ( P 4 )
  • E. virginea ( P 4 )

Listed Flora Cont.

  • Acacia lateriticola var. glabrous variant ( P 3 )
  • Senecio serratiformis subsp. serratiformis ( P 1 )
  • Meionectes tenuifolia ( P 3 )
  • Stylidium lowrieanum ( P 3 )
  • Caladenia abbreviata ( P 3 )
  • Olearia strigose ( P 3 )
  • Austrostipa mundula ( P 3 )
  • Dampiera triloba ( P 3 )
  • Caladenia nivalis ( P 2 )
  • Boronia sp. Leeuwin ( P 2 )
  • Amphidium tortuosum ( P 1 )

Cape Naturaliste is home to a large number of threatened animals.

The Project Area contains over 20 threatened fauna species:


  • Three black cockatoo species ( 2 x EN and 1 x VU)
  • Shy albatross ( VU)
  • Black- browed albatross ( EN)  Hutton’ s shearwater ( EN)
  • Flesh- footed Shearwater ( VU)  Hooded Plover ( P 4 )

Specially protected migratory birds:

  • Common Sandpiper
  • Fork- tailed swift
  • Wedge- tailed Shearwater  Sanderling
  • Caspian Tern
  • Southern and Northern giant petrels  Osprey
  • Crested tern
  • Rainbow bee- eater


  •  Ctenotus delli ( P 4 )  Ctenotus ora ( P 3 )
  •  Carpet python ( S 4 )


  •  Western false pipistrelle ( P 4 )


  •  Rakali ( P 4 )
  •  Quenda ( P 4 )
  •  NZ Fur- seal ( specially protected)
  • Australian sea- lion ( VU)
  •  Western Brush wallaby ( P 4 )- thought to be locally extinct
  •  Brush- tailed phascogale ( CD)
  • Western ringtail possum ( CR)
  • Quokka ( VU)

Freshwater species

  •  Carter’ s freshwater mussel ( VU)

Region Map


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Cape Naturaliste Conservation Enterprise

A Friends of Meelup Project

To find out more or get involved fill in the form below

You can assist this project by making a tax deductible donation to by clicking the donate button below:


Landowners in the Cape Naturaliste area; you can register for on-ground work on your property: feral animal control, weed control, revegetation, and/or fencing. The project may fund 50% of costs. For more information, please use the email form below and use Subject: CNCE Project Enquiry.

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